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Bisexuals back to home


What exactly does bisexual mean?
Put simply, bisexuality is the interest in both men and women – you’re an equal opportunist in the bedroom and have an attraction to both genders. That said, it’s rarely the case that bisexuals have an equal sexual attraction to ladies and gentleman: often they can have a 70% preference in men or a 40% preference in them – every bisexual person is different and they may find that they preferences over time change. It’s never set in stone and bisexuals won’t mind admitting that over years, they start to have different ideas of what they like the most.

Okay, but how does this relate to porn?
Typically, you’re going to find porn sites that label themselves as being bisexual-focused with lots of threesome entertainment. The beauty of threesomes is that at least one person involved is likely to be bisexual, although that might not always be the case. Often in the porn industry, women are assumed to be interested in girl on girl experiences – even if they don’t identify as being bisexual. Men, however, are pretty much always going to be given that label if they’re taking it up the butt or sucking on a shaft. So realistically, you can find both MFF and MMF threesomes on these sites – they may even go above and beyond and deliver larger group sex shows with plenty of raw, gangbang fun for everyone in the studio to enjoy.

Are bisexual men just gay?
Well, they’re gay in the sense that they’re willing to have sex, but they’re also interested in ladies too – it’s tough to label people accurately these days, although I think it goes without saying that most bisexual men do not describe themselves as being purely gay. Interest in both women and men is common, plus it opens many doors for guys to be willing to engage in MMF threesomes. Lots of ladies out there love seeing guys kiss one another – it turns them on so much that they just have to jump in on the action whenever they get the opportunity to do so!

Why should I pay for bisexual porn?
Typically, bisexual porn websites offer you a much better bang for your buck than the tubes out there that you might otherwise sign up to. Often times you’ll have access to full 1080p HD videos and huge archives of exclusive scenes – lots of the bisexual porn on video streaming platforms are not so great, and that’s why paying generally yields you the cream of the crop. Additionally, you’re giving a little back to the guys and girls out there that love threesomes and gangbangs – keeping them in business is the right way to go if you’re a genuine fan of bisexual porn!

Don’t forget to read the reviews we’ve got below of the latest and greatest sites with plenty of bisexual entertainment to enjoy: you’re going to have a whale of a time seeing these naughty bisexual lovers in action.

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