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Glamour Porn

I’m not entirely sure what glamor porn is.
Not to worry, because there are multiple definitions and no one is the definitive master on what constitutes terms on the adult entertainment industry! At Best of Porn, we’ve spent our time researching the concept of ‘glamor porn’ and spoken to people in the business: it’s a tough nut to crack and opinion varies, but we typically like to stick to the widest definitions where possible unless there’s a very good reason not to do so. Now then, let’s talk about what we think glamor porn is!

Essentially, glamor porn is a niche in the adult entertainment industry that sets its focus on the beauty of the models, intimacy and interest in the sexual activities, high production values for the shoot and picking great locations with good lighting. A combination of those factors is what we’d use to determine whether or not something is glamorous, which is why sites that do reality porn such as Brazzers and Bang Bros are not considered to be in this space. One of the easiest ways to think about glamor porn is to compare it to more mainstream movies, where it resembles an arthouse classic in aesthetic. It’s definitely a feeling and design of the porn, as opposed to any real element of the interaction itself. Although naturally, we find that glamorous porn sites do like to put a lot of emphasis on emotions, intimacy and sexual arousal of everyone involved (especially the women).

Many years ago, glamor porn sites with videos didn’t really exist, because the prices were too high to justify its production and the demand simply wasn’t there. Because of that, erotic art photography sites soon popped up and those too can be considered glamorous, although whether or not you want to think of nude pictures of women as being porn is another thing entirely. So, to sum it up shortly: glamor porn is a complicated topic, but essentially boils down to being a ‘fancy’ version of your standard adult entertainment shoot.

Will this porn be good for couples to watch?
Absolutely! One of the biggest complaints about the porn industry is that there isn’t enough available for women to enjoy, because most scenes are shot from the point of view of the male wanting to have fun. Glamor porn videos provide some relief in this respect, as they often employ the best of both worlds with regard to their productions. Couples often find that the content on sites like the ones we’ve reviewed here are enjoyable to watch together – it goes without saying that ladies are especially interested in the niche! It’s estimated that compared to standard network sites, glamor producers get around twice the percentage of female memberships. Long gone are the days where smut is only intended for consumption by men – women are starting to cotton on to the fact that the adult entertainment industry has something to suit their tastes as well.

Do glamor sites have better quality content?
Yes – on the whole – that is entirely the case. We pretty much expect all websites producing material in this genre to offer 720p as its standard resolution, with 1080p being all but assumed as well. We’re a little away from 4K quality being the gold standard, but if any genre is going to have that as its expected format, it’s likely glamor. Aside from just the pixel ratios, we find that bitrates are greatly improved – sometimes as much as 3 to 4 times what you’d find on most popular adult networks. Since the cost of production for these pornographic videos is so high, it only makes sense to spend a little bit more on storage for something that looks a lot smoother when enjoyed by the end user.

Will they have enough videos for me?
Each site will have its own number of scenes and we’ll likely tell you in each review what that figure is. The big networks out there naturally have more shots available for you to watch, but many sites in the glamor niche have hundreds upon hundreds of releases that you can enjoy and would require months to finish all of their library with 24/7 viewing. We think that they’re still competitive with the biggest networks, simply because their production value means you’re going to be much more likely to enjoy what they have to offer.

Thanks for visiting Best of Porn and taking the time to look at our reviews on the best glamor porn sites. We hope you find the destination you desire and that these reviews help you achieve that goal. Got a glamor site you think we’ve missed? Don’t hesitate to get in touch – if we think it’s good enough to join our list, we’ll write up a review and add it to the database!

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