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What do you guys consider to be a MILF?
Almost everyone here at the Best of Porn office tends to agree that when it comes to defining the word ‘MILF’, actually having a child doesn’t mean all that much in the grand scheme of things. An 18-year old girl that has just had a baby might technically be really hot and worthy of a bang, but does that make her a MILF? We believe that most people searching for that term would expect to find older ladies with developed bodies and a hell of a lot of sexual confidence. While it’s hard to accurately capture what age range is acceptable, a good starting point is 30. As for prime MILF age – opinions vary, but somewhere around 40 seems to be about right. You’ll often find that world-renowned MILFs had their best times in front of the camera when they hit the big 4-0.

Why are MILFs so sexy?
There are quite a few reasons why mature chicks get a lot of attention and honestly, the biggest explanations change from person to person. Often, MILFs are enjoyed because if you get to an older age and you still look attractive, you’ve probably taken steps to keep yourself looking as hot as possible. We’re talking multiple weekly gym visits, eating the right foods, having plastic surgery in some places and staying away from excessive alcohol or cigarettes. These are all sexy qualities in a woman and more often than not, you’ll find that they have a highly active and enjoyable sex life as a result. How often do you see a gorgeous MILF that isn’t constantly down for wild erotic activities whenever she gets the chance? It’s a part of the package and at Best of Porn, we love that package!

Additionally, you’ve got to remember that as women get older, they gain a hell of a lot of experience. This is good for the obvious reason of making the sex that much enjoyable – a MILF’s done her fair share of blowjob giving over the years, so she’s more than qualified to handle your package. Second to that, with experience comes the willingness to engage in a wide variety of sexy activities – mature women are typically more outgoing and willing to do whatever it is that you enjoy. They’ll also have their own preferences and for many men, this can be a great way to explore fresh and interesting approaches to intimacy and sexual pleasure. Finally, there’s a slight taboo with older women – for many years they were treated as sexless entities because of their need to raise children and maintain the home, so when one decides that she actually quite enjoys daily sex with hot men, it can rustle a few feathers.

Are these sites all about mature women then?
Yes – this is our MILF category on Best of Porn, where we only list destinations that give you unrestricted access to the hottest mature porn available on the Internet today. We’ve looked at close to 100 different places now with cougars and housewives doing what they do best: these are the only ones we felt were good enough to share with our loyal readers. See, when it comes to finding adult entertainment worth recommending, we like to guarantee that our readers are going to get a good deal. This is no different in the MILF porn space – it stands to reason that we want you to get a great product, so we’ll only write reviews and link out to the top spots offering the best opportunities to get your hands on some quality smut.

Do note that our review process is fairly lengthy and we look at many different metrics to decide just how good a destination is. At a very basic level, we’ll be considering details such as how often new material is added to the archive, how much content is currently available, the sexiness of the MILFs who are being featured and whether or not you can download videos in full 1080p HD formats. We actually look at around 50 metrics for our records and make sure that enough boxes are ticked to give us a list of the best places on the Internet for MILF porn. You can be assured that we take this job very seriously indeed – no cut corners or rubbish here, just honest reviews written by experts that want to show you the latest and greatest in mature entertainment.

We’d like to thank you for visiting Best of Porn and we genuinely hope that your quest to find the best MILF porn around is satisfied by our reviews of these mature paysites. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back again soon – we’re constantly adding new destinations for you to check out and alter our rankings all the time as places improve and others fall a bit behind!

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