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Public Sex

Is watching public sex porn illegal?
You may have read in some locations online that porn recorded in public shouldn’t be found on your computer or you’ll get in trouble – the fact of the matter is that public porn is completely fine to watch in most countries! The same can’t be said for the production of said adult entertainment though: that’s where the confusion typically stems from. See, there aren’t many developed nations in the world that don’t have some type of restriction against public indecency and with that comes a prohibition of sexual intercourse when you’re not in a private establishment. So while it may not be illegal to watch public sex videos, the creation of them is anything but allowed!

Now, while we don’t want to directly promote the idea of people recording themselves engaging in a crime, we’re not exactly upset about the fact that some couples do decide to have crazy sex when they’re out and about in public. It’s risky, it’s fun and above all else, it’s hot as hell! Over the last few years, interest in public sex websites has exploded: everyone wants to get their hands on stuff in this niche and lately, we’ve seen a huge surge in the supply of content that supports the desires of the consumers. Fancy yourself as a massive fan of public sex videos? Then let’s just say that you’ve come to the right place here at Best of Porn.

Why is that? Is this page special or something?
Well, it’s special in the sense that if you’re after couples being lewd outside and getting naked in nature, then absolutely! Best of Porn has established this category to only look at pornographic websites which feature public sex. Everyone knows it’s a super sexy niche, so we thought it might be an idea to go out and look around for some of the best sites on the Internet that supply this type of material to people who are interested in it. We work with experts to make sure that you’ll see the naughtiest public exhibitionists, hardcore sex videos in the woods and everything in between. If it’s public and it’s erotic, we want to know about it!

Our team of reviewers loves the public sex niche and goes out of their way to learn the ins and outs of the porn available in it so that they can write honest, accurate reviews of what each and every destination has to offer. They don’t rush these reviews and spend a long time looking at what they’ve got inside, taking notes on the specifics that we then use later to grade and rate them against one another.

What ranking factors do you consider?
It’s quite a long and complicated procedure – we have a document that our team uses and in it, over 50 different things are to be considered when signing up to a site and checking out the content. Some are more important than others and naturally, we weigh those as being a bigger deal than the smaller things that we’ll still take a look at. Out of the bigger ranking factors, our team will consider how often a site updates with new content, whether or not they offer HD footage, the download speeds offered by the servers and so on. The smaller stuff consists of things like a nice site design, 24/7 customer support and ease of access to the material. The reviewers actually take their jobs quite seriously – you’d be amazed at how many sites Best of Porn considers and never actually adds to our platform! If they don’t meet our standards then we won’t endorse them, it’s as simple as that.

So the next time you need some advice on top tier public sex destinations, be sure to drop by this page and read all of our expert reviews. Thanks for visiting – now go and find the best outdoor sex videos around!

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