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Shemales / Transsexuals back to home


What exactly is a shemale?
Shemale is a term that can often be used interchangeably with the word transsexual, although it’s important to note that shemales are always male to female transsexuals and never female to male. While statistics vary on the popularity of transition from one gender to the other, there’s an overwhelming majority of people who undergo sexual reassignment that is MtF (male to female). While there may be a few websites out there that do have porn of FtM transsexuals, this page and all of the reviews on it will stick purely to shemale entertainment.

If these guys want to be girls, why keep the cocks?
It would indeed seem a little counterproductive for transitioning individuals to get breast augmentation but not penis removal – this is incredibly common in MtF transsexuals, however. There are multiple reasons as to why complete gender reassignment surgery isn’t preferred by shemales, but some of the major ones are the likelihood of the surgery going wrong, the extensive cost of the operation, a potential for complete loss of sexual sensation and the end result being less attractive than one might expect. While in theory, it might be the case that shemales would like to have a rudimentary vagina, the practicality of the situation generally prohibits them from acquiring one.

Besides, there’s not much need to have a pussy downstairs when you’ve got a perfectly good asshole! If God does exist, it doesn’t seem all that likely that he wasn’t considering gays and transsexuals when he designed the male ass. See, males have a prostate that provides erotic pleasure when stimulated, which is the basis for the enjoyment of anal sex when they’re on the receiving end. Shemales often find this to be a sufficient way to engage in sexual intercourse, as many are able to have orgasms from direct anal stimulation – no touching of their penis required!

Will these porn sites have good shemales inside?
Our review team typically doesn’t have to rate websites on the quality of the models all that often, because most girls in porn are stunning anyway, so it often just comes to personal taste and preferences. That said, we do have guidelines that consider just how convincing the transition is for a shemale on the sites we’ve reviewed here: the more feminine they are, the better the site is! It’s generally not an issue though, as we’ve found that a lot of transsexuals appearing in porn are absolutely gorgeous anyway. It’s also important to note that there are multiple ethnicities of transsexuals and generally, white guys and black dudes have the hardest time being shemales. Latinas and Asians make it look easy – their sissies are just as hot as the real thing!

Our crack team of investigative porn hunters also looks at many other factors to determine whether or not we want to recommend a site. There are multiple factors at play here, but generally speaking, we want to see HD videos, a large content archive, regular updates and so on. The shemale porn space has really heated up in the last few years, as the number of people transitioning is going up every year and the tools available to them to complete that switch easily and efficiently are becoming a lot more affordable. Put simply, there’s never been a better time to get into the transsexual porn game – it’s a great time to be alive!

Anything else I need to consider with regard to tranny porn?
As mentioned briefly above, you’re going to want to have a good idea of the niche that you like the most with regard to ethnicity. Some sites only focus on one region of the world, so if you like Latina shemales or Asian transsexuals, take your pick of sites that feature just those and nothing else. This isn’t to say that combination sites don’t exist, but we seem to see that specialization is the best way to go with shemale adult entertainment.

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