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Vintage Porn / Classic back to home

Vintage Porn

What is considered vintage or classic porn?
That’s a pretty good question and honestly, there’s no single definition that people are willing to accept as standard. Like many niches, Best of Porn believes that the best approach is to have a wide net of acceptability unless you have a very good reason not to do so. It seems quite reasonable to us that any porn produced before the era of the Internet is a good place to start – there may be one or two releases after that date that are acceptable but by and large, that’s our cut-off point. Pre-2000 seems to fit in nicely with that period too, but you’ll find most vintage and classic websites have much stricter requirements and prefer to look at porn from, say, the 1970s and backward. The great thing is that since there are quite a few websites in this space, they all have their own ways of curating content and deciding what’s suitable and what’s not.

You’ll find that our reviews for vintage and classic sites are quite a bit different than for other destinations we take a look at on Best of Porn. There are good reasons for this – one of them being that vintage and retro porn are no longer available to be created, so it’s hard to continue updating your site when you can’t curate fresh releases! Our expert review team are also a little more relaxed when it comes to content quality and organization – since porn throughout history has been a little in the way of slim pickings, we make do with what we’ve got and prefer to rank these classic porn video sites against one another. That only seems fair and honest, if it weren’t for this approach, we likely wouldn’t be recommending any vintage sites at all!

What’s it like inside these websites?
A little bit chaotic, but also quite interesting too! Some have history sections where they talk about beauty, sex and erotic topics throughout the ages: others like to bundle their material together by different centuries. Some vintage pornography websites also include things that aren’t hardcore videos – striptease pictures and sexy portraits are also welcome. Since cameras have only really been high quality in the last few years, images are the best bet when it comes to these types of sites: if you’re after 1080p HD footage of women in the 1930s having hardcore sex, you’re going to come unstuck!

Some also like to sport a design that fits in with the theme of the material – again, marks are not reduced for wanting to keep things in line with the niche in question. We actually think it’s quite charming and will give an extra nudge for a place that feels like it’s from the olden days. Now then – why not go ahead and read some of our reviews on the best vintage and classic porn websites out there? You’re just a few clicks away from visiting top-tier hubs with historical collections of smutty pictures and X-rated videos!

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