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Kink.Com is the best place for lovers and newbies of BDSM. Kink caters to the minds and feelings of people who want a little more from their porn than the average vanilla sites that we see. You can explore a variety of BDSM related videos and scenes once you are a member of Kink.Com. There are more than 30 sites that you can view, and their videos are going to be in mostly HD! You can see women getting dominated by other women and men, bondage, sadism and lots of toys. The production value is through the roof and it updates often. Even if you are just starting out, Kink.Com even offers more than just videos, they offer resources for people new to BDSM and Kinks to explore so when you start to play, you know that you are doing and can get the best bang for your time.


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  • High Intensity, High-Quality Kink
  • Hundreds of HD Movies
  • Mobile Friendly, Take It On The Go!
  • Great User Interface
  • Over 11,000 Scenes
  • Almost 4,000 Models
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Kink. Com has been the biggest and the best porn producers for quite some time and we understand why. They have been producing quality kink and fetish porn since 1997 cementing themselves as a leader in the fetish porn category. Kink.Com has one of the biggest and best online platforms for BDSM and fetish porn lovers. Their huge site includes over 3 dozen other sites for all your needs and they even have their own armory where they film their content. I mean if that isn’t dedication we don’t know what is.

Kink.Com’s mission is to give everyone a chance to understand and explore kink and fetish porn. They make authentic and ethical kink porn for everyone from beginners to the advanced and more specific kink groups. The videos you watch on the network are all made by and performed by real live fetish enthusiasts who are allowed to let their creative juices flow instead of having to follow highly pre-scripted scenes made by others. This site is super kink and sex-positive so that means that you never have to worry about their thoughts on consent. Consent is key and always come first. There are a ton of behind the scenes videos and interviews fans can watch to get a feel for how this company is really run.

Such a large company putting out so much content may be a little intimidating but worry not, the sites can really be divided into smaller categories that they seem to focus on, BDSM, gay porn, Fetish porn, trans porn and then, of course, Femdom porn. This mega network covers everything you could really think of from roleplay to foot worship, punishments, flogging, fisting, medical play, suspension and way more. The website really focuses on its members and makes each site pretty specific to certain groups of fans which is great. Kink Men is for those who are gay and bi as an example.

Updating on this site happens regularly. And since they have been filming and creating content for 20 plus years they have a huge collection that doesn’t look like it’s going to stop growing any time soon. There are over 11,000 videos and scenes available to watch and a lot of them are about an hour long. That’s a lot of content. Their production values on these videos are through the roof and most of their content is going to be HD.

Just using the site, itself is also really easy which is a godsend with this amount of content to sort through. As mentions before they try and tailor their sites but past that they have really raised the bar on what it means to be a member and get access. Kink.Com provides you with your own personal page, My Kink, where you can keep all your favorite videos and scenes, sites and specific categories of videos. You can then browse the entire site as a whole or break everything down by tags and their category menu. Once you find the stuff you really like you can even rate it and comment on it!


Over 3 dozen sites available. Thousands of videos. Updated regularly. Easy to use interface. Personal pages for members. Great search engine. Kink and Fetish friendly.


Not all sites are updated. Only vid caps.

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